Home > Artworks > Silvia Zabal Jauregui

Photo of Silvia Zabal Jauregui Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silvia Zabaljáuregui at an early age began to dabble in the various branches of art. In the Conservatorio Municipal Manuel de Falla made his studies in piano. During his seven year stay in Guatemala City, began his training in the art of pastel and oil with various artists.

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See everything we offer you!
51.18 x 59.06 in
51.18 x 19.69 in
39.37 x 47.24 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
59.06 x 47.24 in
31.50 x 51.18 in
47.24 x 23.62 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
47.24 x 31.50 in
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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silvia Zabaljáuregui at an early age began to dabble in the various branches of art. In the Conservatorio Municipal Manuel de Falla made his studies in piano. During his seven year stay in Guatemala City, began his training in the art of pastel and oil with various artists.

In Santiago de Chile is studying in the Catholic University of Fine Arts, part of the workshop by Professor Marcelo Larrain, and then enter Academy of Magic Realism with Master Hernan Valdovinos.

In Buenos Aires, making inroads various workshops on different techniques and styles. Currently working in his atelier particular.



style = "margin: 6pt 6pt 0cm 35.4pt; text-align: justify"> Argentina, Buenos Aires:

- 1999: - "Flowers in the Light", National Council of Women.

- 2000: - "Rebirth", Educational Institute of Marin Carmen Iraola.

- 2001: - "Flowers that is not little," Blue Room, Senate of Argentina.

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Chile, Santiago:

- 1993: - "Let\'s Paint Together", National Museum of Fine Arts.

- 1994: - Exhibition Dutch Embassy.

- Exhibition "American Artists", Embassy of Mexico.

35.4pt "> - 1995: - "Fruit Competition in Art, Cultural Institute of Las Condes.

- 1996: - "Contemporary Art Exhibition, Gallery Nena Moder.

- Embassy of Argentina Exhibition.

- 1997: - Exhibition "Fruits", Embassy of Argentina.

- 1998: - Exhibit "Around the table," Nena Moder Warehouse.

justify "> Chapingo, Mexico:

-2008: - "Art with Roots in the Earth, Biennial of Mexico City.

Havana, Cuba:

-2009: -Meeting of Plastic and Narrative Cultural 2009.

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Punta del Este, Uruguay:

-2010: "Gallery" The View. "

Asuncion, Paraguay.

-2010: - "Selected Artists of the Bienal de Chapingo", Embassy of Mexico.

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Argentina, Buenos Aires:

- 2000: - Shooting Exhibition Plaza.

- Exhibition "Art at the Palacio San Martín. III ° Exhibition and Sale of Argentine Contemporary Art. "

- 2001: - Exhibition and Sale, Duek Standard Gallery, "Contemporary Art."

6pt 0cm 106.2pt; text-align: justify "> - PRO ARTE," Three hundred Argentine Artists "

Green Room, Centro Costa Salguero.

- 2002: - Exhibition "Art at the Palacio San Martín. V ° Exhibition and

Art Sale Contemporary Argentina. "

- Exhibition Gallery "Art D\'Art, Current Teacher Figurative Painting."

-70.9pt "> - 2003: - Exhibition "Art at the Palacio San Martín. VI ° Exhibition and Sale of Argentine Contemporary Art. "

- Exhibition of Artists Meeting, "Hall ex Mint.

- 2004: - Exhibition "Art at the Palacio San Martín. VIIth Exhibition and Sale of Argentine Contemporary Art. "

- 2005: - Exhibition "Art in the Palacio San Martín. VIIth Exhibition and Sale of Argentine Contemporary Art. "

- Exhibition "Landscapes of the North", Casa de Salta.

-2007: - Closure of "Gallery Nights", The Recova of Posadas.

-2008: - "Expotrastiendas", Municipal Exhibition Center.

-2009: Exhibition "Argentinean artists of the Biennale of Chapingo Mexico," Metropolitan Museum.

- "The Night of Museums", Museum Mainz.

- "Gallery Nights" Palermo Viejo.

2010: - "Awakening in the Colors, Modena Design.

- "Contemporary Artists", Stock Exchange.

- "Open Studio", San Isidro.

- "First Exhibition of Fine Arts Benefit, Club Sailing Windward Victoria.

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